How To Make A Million Dollars
It’s so easy, you won’t believe it.
A million dollars.
That’s the dream right? Well good news everyone, it’s actually so easy to become a millionaire that any idiot can do it!
Sure, you may have seen thousands of these articles online promising get rich quick plans and pyramid schemes and financial hacks but THIS article is different.
THIS article will give you all the answers on how to get a million dollars FAST.

STEP 1: Be A Millionaire Already
It’s incredibly easy to get a million dollars if you’re already a millionaire. Seriously, everyone should already be doing this. It’ll make getting a million dollars a lot easier — obviously.
STEP 2: Inherit Everything
But I know what a lot of you are saying: I’m not a millionaire, I’m not even a hundreds-of-thousands-aire!
Fear not peasants, simply coming from a wealthy family and inheriting a generous chunk of money or assets is enough to get you started and well on your way to a million dollars FAST!

STEP 3: Be Famous
As a famous person, you’re automatically trustworthy so people find it much easier to hand over their hard earned cash: either in form of investments, buying your goods or just pissing it all away to appease you. It makes earning money heaps easier.
And even better? You can be famous just because you’re rich — which then makes it even easier to get MORE money. How great is that!
STEP 4: Lose The Debt
People are always complaining about how they’re struggling under the weight of student fees, mortgages and other loans that need to be paid back.
Having debt is seriously going to hamper your efforts to get a million dollars, so consider just not getting into debt in the first place! Or just immediately paying it all off.
This step is so simple, it’s a wonder that nobody does it.

STEP 5: Act The Part
Even if you don’t yet have a million dollars, you need to act like you do: expensive car, fancy clothes, the latest phone — the works.
You’ve gotta spend money to make money after all, and people aren’t going to give you money unless they’re comfortable you know how to spend it. This is basic common sense.
STEP 6: Ignore The Haters
Eventually you’ll come across people that will try to tell you that there’s more to life than money.
Ignore them. Think about it: how can they know that having a million dollars isn’t great IF THEY’VE NEVER HAD A MILLION DOLLARS?
You wouldn’t ask a vegetarian to cook you a steak, so it stands to reason that you shouldn’t take financial advice from a *poor* person.

Thats It!
If you follow this simple 6 step guide, you’ll be a millionaire in no time at all.
It’s important to be a millionaire because then people will respect you, regardless of how unhappy or unfulfilled you are.
Good luck (not that you’ll need it)!