Copywriting vs COVID-19

Why it’s more important than ever to carefully craft your messaging.

Mat McGuinness ⚡️
3 min readMar 29, 2020


There’s a lot going on right now.

As if a global pandemic wasn’t enough, the world’s economies have been thrown into chaos.

Money has been lost.
Jobs have been lost.
Lives have been lost.

It’s a scary and uncertain time for everyone, including businesses that are stuck between keeping their doors open and keeping staff employed.

With circumstances changing on an almost daily basis, businesses need to be able to reach their clients, customers and stakeholders to not only keep them up to date, but keep them reassured.

This is where the value of good copywriting becomes invaluable.

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Heart & Humility

This is a time when you need to be very careful of how you craft your communications.

People are scared about what the future holds for them, so right now they’re not thinking of anything that isn’t immediately essential.

Your messages to your clients and customers need to be honest and empathetic, even if you still desperately need to promote your product or service.

It’s a tough line to walk, but it’s necessary and it can be done.

Can You Add Value?

What value can you provide to your customers or clients during this time?

Do you have a product that they can benefit from right now? Maybe a service that would be helpful to them?

If you can identify the value that you provide during COVID-19/economic uncertainty, then you’ll find it much easier to connect with your customers.

This is the starting point for your copy — build your message around this value.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Tough Times Ahead

We all know that the next few months are going to be tough.

There’s a lot happening that none of us can control, but we do know that we’re going to have to rely on written communication more so than ever before.

Make sure that anything you send out to your customers — whether by email, social media, flyer or otherwise — always comes from a place of empathy and provides them with value.

Remember that just because people may be spending less money with you does not mean they’re moving to a competitor — it simply means they don’t have the money to spend at all.

Always keep this in mind because if you can show that you’re loyal to your customers, they’ll remember that and be extra loyal to you once we all get through this time.

Free Consultation

If you need help or direction with your messaging, Triple H is offering a free consultation during this time.

